OnMusic Companion
Adopt + Integrate
Review over 20 tried-and-true, fully built courses and assessments
Adopt one or more ready-to-go C4E music courses with assessments
Edit/Customize C4E online music courses
Mix-and-match 3500 editable prebuilt lessons
Create courses
Access music asset libraries and instructional tools
Upload and manage your assets such as audio, videos, images, documents, etc.
Search, implement, and manage streaming web services such as YouTube, and Spotify, Images from within the platform
Use page layout templates to help you get started
Seamlessly Integrate (via LTI) into major Learning Management Systems
Students pay for course access
OnMusic Hub
Create + Integrate
Review over 20 tried-and-true, fully built courses and assessments
Adopt one or more ready-to-go C4E music courses with assessments
Edit/Customize C4E online music courses
Mix-and-match 3500 editable prebuilt lessons
Create courses
Access music asset libraries and instructional tools
Upload and manage your assets such as audio, videos, images, documents, etc.
Search, implement, and manage streaming web services such as YouTube, and Spotify, Images from within the platform
Use page layout templates to help you get started
Seamlessly Integrate (via LTI) into major Learning Management Systems
Schools pays a subscription fee and determines an enrollment price